Bex Jones

Researcher. Teacher. Crafter.


What is an air pollutant?

We breathe in billions of substances every day. Some of them keep us alive, some of them do little to no harm, some do a great deal of harm, sometimes immediately and sometimes over a long period, but there are many about which we have no idea.

Bex Jones

Based on upcoming publication

Air-Scapes: Exposure to air in ambiguous spaces

Measuring air pollution and our exposure to it relies on complex constructions of the concepts of space, air and breathing. This research explores how air pollution research inconsistently mobilises individual breathers with breathers as a population, and what effect this has on the policy recommendations that emerge from scientific research.

Bex Jones

Based on upcoming publication

Air Pollution and Solutionism

Air pollution, like many problems facing the world, is often framed as a crisis measured against an assumed baseline of risk and actual danger. However, the threshold of what turns a problem into a crisis is ambiguous and mutable. The problem is also framed as solvable, that a resolution is possible.

Bex Jones

Based on upcoming publication